iPad Therapy for Deaf Babies

By: Sophia Fowler, EC-SEAT scholar and Early Interventionalist

Technology is creating opportunities for families across many socio- economical barriers that many would not have had access to years before now.  Technology in healthcare is one way these families can be reached in meaningful ways.  The article attached through CNN.com shows how families, in an ongoing study, with children who are in need of speech therapy can be provided the medically necessary service, without the loss of paid work time or the terrible commute, through the use of iPads.  Such a savings of the time for the therapist and family as well as fantastic family intervention to teach such skills as navigating the medical system and advocating for their child.  

Hands on, what a way to learn!

Photo: http://money.cnn.com/2015/02/09/technology/ipads-deaf-kids-therapy/index.html


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