Early Intervention and Resources to Learn more about Children's Development
By: Carrie Portrie , M.Ed, EC-SEAT Project Coordinator and PhD Student in Education While perusing my Facebook feed this afternoon, I saw a post from Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families on 2015 Baby Facts by State and Toolkit . As I jumped to the site, I began thinking about all the wonderful resources for families caring for and professionals working with infants and toddlers. Learning about and observing children's development early on is joyous and is also important for detection of potential concerns. When a potential concern, developmental delay or disability is detected families can access early intervention for their child. What is early intervention? The Center for Parent Information and Resources (2014) overview explains it is "Authorized by law. Early intervention is available in every state and territory of the United States. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires it–Part C o...