Smart Gloves that can Translate American Sign Language
By Danielle Vachon , Third Grade Teacher and EC-SEAT Scholar Since being part of this program I have become more aware of assistive technology in the classroom. I have a few children at my school who use their chromebooks for text to speech. This allows them to participate during writing time because they can get their thoughts down without struggling with spelling or forming letters. However, this is only helpful if the child can talk and speak clearly into the computer... I recently stumbled upon a new invention! Two students at the University of Washington have created a pair of smart gloves that can translate American Sign Language into automatically into text or speech. They were designed to bridget the communication gap between the Deaf and hearing communities. The gloves use sophisticated sensors to recognize ASL gestures. The SignAloud gloves are equipped with sensors and connected via Bluetooth to a computer, which analyzes and translates gestures. When a gesture matc...