Assistive Technology Selection - Using Online Resources and Matrices to Support Decision Making
By: Carrie Portrie, M.Ed The article, " Assistive Technology: Resource Roundup : Discover websites, blog posts, articles, and videos related to understanding, selecting, and assessing assistive technology" was originally posted in 2013 and updated early November 2016 on Edutopia . It provides a thoughtful listing of assistive technology (AT) websites, resources and videos. While exploring the different links, a couple resources stood out to me. Both are from Tech Matrix. Tech Matrix Website Description of Tech Matrix Website Resources Tech Matrix a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and developed by the National Center for Technology Innovation at the American Institute of Research. On this site you can search for assistive and educational technologies based on content area (e.g., math, literacy), grade level (including all children birth to transition out of highschool), and Individ...