Finger Paint with Sounds is a simple app inviting young children to “practice their first interactions with a touch screen.” There are small “paint pots” on the edges of the screen. You are asked if you want to paint with sounds, music, or no sound. When the you runs your finger across the screen noises or music plays along with a colorful doodle. There is not much more to it than that. This app is appropriate for young children because it supports cause and effect learning and becomes more appropriate when an adult engages with the child while they explore. Children can practice Finger Paint with Sounds Screenshot Monster Chorus is FREE and fun! This game has great cause and effect application for young children. When you open the app a row of colorful little monsters sing a harmonized chorus waiting for little and big fingers to create music. Try it with preschoolers or toddlers. When you press each monster they open their mouths and sing. You can play well-...