A must watch short video - The Helping Hand - A story by Z. Murphy & L. Kranen

Assistive Technology (AT) supports children of all different abilities and ages. Sometimes, we may not realize what AT is or how it can be found and then used effectively by the child and supported by family, community, and school. Below is a video about a boy named Daniel who had an arm designed for him. The video and focus on a story is from Daniel's and his sister's perspective. It is a story that shows Daniel's personality, needs, interests and the work of engineering students who designed an arm just for him (and included him in the process). This video emphasizes so many important aspects of designing and building AT for children. Also,

A useful list of short videos and resources about assistive technology can be found by visiting the
5-Minute Film Festival: The Power of Assistive Technology
This playlist of videos and resources explores how assistive technology can contribute to an inclusive classroom and empower students with special needs. by: Amy Erin Borovoy on Edutopia. 


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