How to Use Screencastify: A Virtual Professional Workshop in the Time of COVID-19

By: Alicia Giannelli, EC-SEAT Scholar

Goal: The audience was able to create videos using Screencastify 

My team was given no time to get ready to teach online. The preschool team had a lot on their plates with determining how to teach three and four-year-old students. They were not sure how to use videos, apps, and other online materials. Many of them were feeling very nervous to create videos and share them. Others were ready to create videos but did not know where to start. This is why I decided to host a zoom meeting and walk them through the process of Screencastify.

Screencastify is a way for teachers to create videos and share them easily with their students. Screencastify allows for a person to upload a video and edit it, create videos, and share them easily with a link. I walked the Deerfield Community School Preschool staff members through the process on how to download Screencastify for free while on the video. I also demonstrated how to record from your computer, how to upload a prerecorded video from a phone and how to edit multiple videos into one with text added. I also shared step by step instructions for the staff members to use later on.

While showing the staff members how to use Screencastify, I walked them through the different icons and what they mean. I got questions like, “what is easiest for someone with little technological skills”. I walked these staff members through the process on how to record directly from their computer. This is the process that requires the least number of steps. I was also asked “how to add text to a video”. I walked them through these steps as well.

One thing that I made sure to do was troubleshoot and explain why some things would happen. One odd thing about Screencastify is that videos can appear sideways but finalize in the correct orientation if pre-recorded on a phone or iPad. I wanted to be sure that no one walked away with questions or concerns as they worked through this new experience. The staff members left the meeting feeling excited to try this new interface and be able to share more with their students. They have since created multiple videos successfully and gotten great feedback from their students and families. I have also been a touchpoint for support if people get stuck or need support while they create their videos. Since the meeting, I have helped people cut the length of videos and how to successfully upload their videos to other locations. Screencastify has been very successful for my team and could be for others as well.

Learn more and view these examples:


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